Dear all
Kim has sent through details of Sue’s funeral for people to watch at home
The details are as follows
The service will be held at St Nicolas Bookham which is her parish church on the 13th of May at 11am.
Due to Covid restrictions only 30 people will be allowed to attend and unless you have already been alerted that Sue has asked you to read or sing or perform a service sadly it is unlikely that you will be able to attend the church, however people are welcome to pay their respects at Randalls Road Cemetry, Randalls Road, Leatherhead, KT22 0AG.
Please also see below the link to view Sue’s service, if you are signed into YouTube you can also add comments whilst watching which will be available for the family to see afterwards
Should you have any queries about the funeral, please do not hesitate to contact Kim Lindsay, (On behalf of D.A. Lindsay & Sons, Funeral Directors) on 07517 410 482.
Sue will be buried at Randalls Road Cemetery, Randalls Road, Leatherhead, KT22 0AG. The committal will be at 12:30, and if people would like to pay their respects they are welcome to be in the grounds, and once the family have moved away they are welcome to pay their respects, however please please be aware of the requirement to comply with COVID regulations and not to risk Sue’s family being fined!
The funeral group will be at the maximum size, and all other groups of people must not be greater than 6, so please do not approach the group. Sue’s family are happy for people to be there but please do socially distance.
Flowers and donations
Sue has specified the following;
Family flowers only, preferably tulips, hyacinths, and other spring flowers. No lilies and definitely no chrysanthemums.
A wreath from Carol and close AA friends in the shape of an AA circle and triangle to be on my coffin. Donations in lieu of other flowers to be split between AA and a local night shelter for the homeless (A charity in Leatherhead called Start). Carol has therefore set up a PayPal pool for those who wish to contribute
campaign/115869919773510162 Sober, this day is ours
Following the service, a Zoom meeting will be opened for Sue’s friends and family to gather together and share their memories. Mick is hoping to be able to join the meeting following the cemetery. Please follow the link below once the Church service ends.
Topic: Remembering Sue D 13th May 2021
Time: 12:30 Onwards
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 852 8068 4794
No password
Please could you circulate these details to our members, and to the South-East Region
There is a tribute page to Sue on the Mid Surrey Archives website; Remembering Sue D – AA Mid Surrey Archives
We are collecting people’s memories, tributes and thoughts, and make a book of thanks for Sue, that we can present to her husband Mick and children Ben and Rachel, to thank them for sharing Sue with us. You may contribute as many times as you wish.
Everyone is welcome to comment on the website or email your memories of Sue to
Best wishes
Karla [ECLO]