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New meeting

Dear all, Please be aware that a new physical meeting will be opening its’ doors tomorrow, 23rd of March 2021. More details below To book, please visit the meeting’s page here.

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GSR Welcome Pack

Dear GSRs, Please find below some useful information to support you in your roles. Group Guidelines Group Service Representative Hints and Tips Intergroup Guidelines Medication Notice A5x2 Now that I’m a GSR The-AA-Group Twelve Concepts Checklist Twelve Traditions Checklist

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MSIG Conference Questions Workshop 2021

Dear all, Please note that Catherine, our MSIG Vice Chair has organised a Conference Questions Workshop taking place next Tuesday, the 12th of January at 7.30 pm on Zoom. Workshop flyer with Zoom details below: Conf Qs workshop flyer 2021 All related documentation in preparation for this can be viewed HERE Any questions, please email …

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MSIG re Covid-19 5th January 2021

Latest Coronavirus news – National lockdown The government has announced a national lockdown. Details can be found on the following link: National lockdown: Stay at Home – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) Physical AA meetings are still allowed provided: • They are held in a Covid-19 secure venue • Social distancing protocols are observed • Track and trace …

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Conference 2021

55th General Service Conference 16 – 18 April 2021 I have pleasure in attaching the Fifty-Fifth General Service Conference Committee Agenda (1) together with the background material for Committee No. 1, Question 4 –Addition to ‘The General Service Board’, section 3, under heading ‘Appointment of new members of the General Service Board (2),  Committee No. …

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Mid Surrey AA and Covid-19 – Physical meetings

5th November 2020 Mid Surrey AA and Covid -19 – Physical meetings Please find our Mid Surrey physical face to face meetings by clicking on our Physical meeting tab The link is http://aamidsurrey.org.uk/meetings/ Face to face AA Meetings are currently restricted to 15 people and the meeting will have its own guidance re how to attend.  For …

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There are many online AA meetings around. We refer only to those being hosted by our local groups. Other Intergroups and our national website have lists of further AA online meetings. A Mid Surrey meeting was invaded by non- alcoholics last week and half the participants left as they found this extremely upsetting. This is …

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Tradition 7 donations to Mid Surrey Intergroup

Please don’t send any more cheques to Ian, our MSIG Treasurer, for the time being as this poses health risks. Groups can make their Tradition 7 contribution by bank transfer direct to Mid Surrey Intergroup (see bank details below). Please identify your payment with your group number. For the account of : Mid Surrey Intergroup Sort …

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Grapevine and La Viña are here to help (free issues)

Due to the current changing health situation, many AA meetings across the U.S. and Canada are finding it safer to close. To help members during this time, Grapevine and La Vina are giving everyone free access to most of their 2020 Grapevine and La Viña issues. Please share with your fellows. Click here to access …

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